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Forest of Flowers Wildflower Seed Mix
  • Forest of Flowers Wildflower Seed Mix

    Forest of Flowers Wildflower Seed Mix - *2024 Mix Now Available*


    This mix is perfect for creating a wildflower area, with a well-balanced selection of 41 native UK species. It includes annual, biennial and perennial wildflowers chosen for maximising biodiversity and supporting wildlife.


    The mix offers a long season of flowering, from March (Coltsfoot) to September (Tansy, Common Knapweed) ensuring an excellent source of food for pollinators and other wildlife.


    Red bartsia (known as a 'Meadow Maker' species) is included to help suppress grass and allow the other wildflowers to thrive.


    Also included are some very special orchid species (Common-spotted and Southern Marsh), all hand-collected from the Forest of Flowers. 


    Species included (listed alphabetically) are:


    Agrimony, Common / Agrimonia eupatoria

    Birds-foot Trefoil / Lotus corniculatus

    Coltsfoot / Tussilago farfara

    Common-spotted Orchid / Dactylorhiza fuchsii

    Corn Chamomile / Anthemis arvenis

    Corn Cockle / Agrostemma githago

    Corn Marigold / Chrysanthemum segetum

    Corn Poppy / Papaver rhoeas

    Cornflower / Centaurea cyanus

    Cowslip / Primula veris

    Field Scabious / Knautia arvensis

    Fleabane, Common / Pulicaria dysenterica

    Foxglove / Digitalis purpurea

    Garlic Mustard / Alliaria petiolata

    Goatsbeard / Tragopogon pratensis

    Greater Bird's-Foot Trefoil / Lotus pedunculatus

    Hawkbit sp. / Leontodon sp.

    Hedge Bedstraw / Galium mollugo

    Knapweed, Common / Centaurea nigra

    Lady's Bedstraw / Galium verum

    Meadow Buttercup / Ranunculus acris

    Meadowsweet / Filipendula ulmaria

    Musk Mallow / Malva moschata

    Oxeye Daisy / Leucanthemum vulgare

    Red Bartsia / Odontites vernus

    Red Campion / Silene dioica

    Ribwort Plantain / Plantago lanceolata

    Self Heal / Prunella vulgaris

    Sneezewort / Achillea ptarmica

    Sorrel, Common / Rumex acetosa

    Southern Marsh Orchid / Dactylorhiza praetermissa

    St John's Wort (perforate) / Hypericum perforatum

    St John's Wort (Square stemmed) / Hypericum tetrapterum

    Tansy / Tanacetum vulgare

    Teasel / Dipsacus fullonum

    Vetch, Bush / Vicia sepia

    Vetch, Common / Vicia sativa

    Vipers Bugloss / Echium vulgare

    Wild Carrot / Daucus carota

    Yarrow / Achillea millefolium


    Sowing rate: 2g per m2

    Sow in: September/October, March - May

    Flowering months: March - September


    All seeds are hand-collected and grown organically, without herbicides or pesticides. 


    All purchases help support the Forest of Flowers project, providing wildlife habitat across 100 acres of native woodland and wildflower meadows in Huby, North Yorkshire.


    Need larger quantities than listed? 

    Please contact us as we can usually offer more seed than available via the website. We aim to support a wide range of projects even to the very large. 

      PriceFrom £2.99

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